Analysis of Overwatch Loot Boxes


These pages are a project that was a demonstration of using random numbers, also known as Monte Carlo simulation, to do analysis. The subject of study is the loot box system in the game Overwatch. I wrote this up as a simple project to get into data science. It is also comprehensive, so it is rather long.

If you already know what Overwatch and loot boxes are you can skip here.

If you want to skip the report and simulate opening loot boxes for yourself, then click here.

I am not affiliated with Bilzzard in any way. Use the information here at your own risk. The numbers on these pages were for the items as of Apr 24, 2017. There are more items now.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to loot boxes and Loot boxes in Overwatch
  2. Probabilities of each drop and simulating opening loot boxes
  3. Answers to common questions using the simulation tool
  4. Converting "number of loot boxes" to time or money
  5. Comments on the new loot box system
  6. Summary

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